the Begins

Assalamualaikum chenta !

firstly, i want to grateful to our God bcoz giving us a chance to 

breathe today. Actually, this is my first time to doing my blog.. 

usually i always reading other people blog, but now actually i 

almost did not believe that i already my own blog..yeahhh! this 

blog of course for my assignment : STID1103.. so, for the intro, 

my name is Fatin Hafizah binti Jamil, metric no ..206501, im 

taking Muamalat Administration in UUM n my co-curriculum 


for this blog, i really like to share for my experience to be an 

officer in ROTU NAVY after i finish my co-curiculum. so, dont 

forget to read my next post..!chill out babe.!